President trump troll by national park’s twitter page

It's sad that in 2017, tweeting facts about science is an act of rebellion. We are heading into some fascist territory.If every national park starting tweeting on any subject, it could erupt into a real mess. Who knows haw many different ideas there could be. Each park has a responsibility- to maintain and promote their park.however in twitter page of badlands national park started tweet about climate change in the world.

their tweet was about carbon dioxide in the air has become higher than last 650,000 years and gasoline has burnt nearly 20 pounds of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere,national park and animals are in hazardous situation.its bad effect for all of us,but president trump imposed on EPA and USDA are responsible to bad environment.tweet has been deleted after few hours but it has viral among people and they started comments about national park and Donald trump some were against tweet and some were giving comments in favor of trump.

There is NO being out of control when it comes to the safety, health of our environment. Out of control is going after everything possible to kill it, just for a profit of a few,
Instead of pipe line why don't worry and spend money and effort to improved jobs like teaching, teachers have a low salary but an important mission to educated they young generations.

Create jobs in education healthcare , more schools more hospitals fix the healthcare system stop pharmaceutical companies of taking advantage of the sick with high prices for medicines.
Pipe lines are just for the rich petroleum companies and their investors get wealthier. There is other sources of energy like solar and wind. Some countries in Europe have demonstrated they are reliable clean and there is jobs in that area.
According to badlands NTL parks statement park tweeter account has been used by former employee.

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