Thousands of Giant Bats Down

Thousands of the flying foxes fell dead from sky during a heat wave in Australia. Rangers saved as many as they could. Some bats died trying to find shade, others were found still clinging to trees. Temperature topped 113 in some places, that is hot enough to fry an egg. At least one of the bat species impacted is at risk of extinction. More are still expected to die.

This heat wave was twice as likely to occur due to climate change according to one model. These heat waves are getting hotter, lasting longer and happening more frequently. Will these little animals survive the change? Again, a majority of humans don't care about this. They’ll still slaughter animals’ resources and land all for their style of living. Hopefully the earth consumes us all.

Human are destroying the environment and causing so many species to go extinct, yet, conservatives claim climate change does not exist. This will continue to happen since most countries invest on world war than saving the world. There will be a time when humans, the most dangerous creatures ever, will be running and fighting for shade or warm, water or shelter. We did this to our self to our Planet. It shall not go without punishment.

Australia’s weather has been getting dramatically crazier. It's summer in Western Australia yet it just got the most rain ever recorded in Feb, with flooding in parts of the Southwest. It’s pretty crazy weather for this time of the year when we are used to very hit dry conditions. Sydney has been getting very hot and dry weather that normally have. It’s a crazy time to be alive. 

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