Minorities Under Trump Presidency

Minorities are concerned about the next four years under Trump Presidency because of his behavior for them. They have a lot of fears and some hopes. A survey was conducted on this matter and people were asked about the issue from America’s five major cities. People spoke differently about the best and worst case scenarios.
Amanda – Phoenix says, the scenario for minority groups is just be treated equal like everyone else. The worst is case scenario for minority groups is the lack of education for everyone that are discriminating against them and it continuing like it now. Ali – Dearborn says, the best case scenario is, he welcome all of us with open arms, as we are and we love to be. The worst case scenario is, hate flourishes in American land. We basically cut off from our opportunities and out constitutional rights.
Petrit – Phoenix says, people continue to fight for them and represent them in our politics, represent them in our discourse, and not essentially, break them down, scapegoat them as the problem. Janelle – Atlanta says, we hold him accountable to everything that he said he would do when it comes to minority communities. He is one of the very few who have actually spoke out specifically about each minority group and what he can produce and do for them. Rabab – Dearborn says, these minorities would have a better opportunity to speak up against hatred.
Sherry – Dearborn says, the worst case is, what’s going on right now with the African Americans against the police. Fabian – Atlanta says, the worst case is, it would be a double down on mass incarceration. It would be more laws, it would be them strengthening the war on drugs, which is just the war on minorities. Didi – Des Moines says, the worst case is, the ones that are not convicted that they can have the same opportunities as long as they do the process, they will try to rebel.

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