America’s Best and Worst Case Scenarios Under Trump Presidency

Donald Trump is most controversial US president and his presidency is wildly criticized but a lot of people spoke in his favor. There is different and mixed reaction is seen by different people about Trump and about his rule. Here we have recorded different people reaction and their best and worst case scenario under Trump’s Presidency.
William – Atlanta says, for me best case scenario is somehow my college gets paid for. Sharidan – Phoenix says, best case scenario for me is that I don’t get destroyed for my stances, politically, because I did not align with Trump and I did not vote for him and so hopefully the people who do find that out don’t stop being my friends or something like that.
Rabab – Dear born says, it is gonna give me better opportunities when I graduate high school, better for me to pay my tuition, paying my grandparents and also getting scholarships. And that’s also gonna fit into the part of economy, which it gonna help boost, hopefully, and its gonna give me a better chance to get the job I want. Lanero – Los Angles says, things don’t change much. That he’s a lame duck president and can’t get anything done.
Ali – Dear born says, that we become isolated as Muslim Americans. We become distant from the rest of this nation. Petrit – Phoenix says, making an already vulnerable population extremely vulnerable. Sarah – Los Angles says, worst case scenario is if Donald Trump builds wall. Traci – Des Mines says, that it stays the way it is, because it’s pretty bad right now. It is pretty bad for the last past eight years. Melvin – Phoenix says, I don’t personally know if there’s any upside for me under a Trump administration. I am a small business owner and based on the way I do things, his philosophy is not going to work for me.