A new study surprise you about dogs sense better than cats

There are very few animals which have sensitivity about things, one of them is dogs and cats and they have ability to recognize any person’s face expression, and people love dogs more than cats because cats are not intelligent and dogs have more fun and intelligent, why people like dogs because they are smart and follow orders and have trained. Dogs have better memory than cats. 

Some people believe that cats are not smarter than dogs, cats have not senses memory, and they prefer dogs. even its not true, a study has been made about intelligent ability about dogs and cats, which has approved that cats can better than dogs, cats can save in its memory about everything it can recognize any face expression and has ability of training.

In this video viewers can know about the abilities of cats and dogs, an analyst did research about cats that they are smart as dogs or not, a new study suggest that 49 cats can sense a and remember about food bowl they gave food for eating after few minutes same food had been given them they had knew about food.

 According to Japanese scientists cats are intelligent as dogs; they can know what and where bowl of food and are capable as dogs, and can easily recognition human facial expressions.
There many research work has been made about dogs and cats memory and their capability of intelligent, but both are intelligent in many ways, dogs can trained quickly and cats can also solve many problems and have training ability, people love both of them and have in their home love them as a mom loves with daughter and son, people trained them by some tricks they follow these tricks and act like what their trainer want. So scientists have said that dogs are more dominant from cats but cats are also smart. if any animal has better memory it is consider smart.