Why Guantanamo Is Still Open?

President Obama ordered to close the prison Guantanamo, 15 years ago when he took office. But it is still open. It was one of his first promises as president as he said I intend to close Guantanamo. On his second day in office, he signed an executive to close the military prison for good within one year. But seven years since signing, and 14 years since opening, Guantanamo is still not closed. As part of the so-called war on terror George W. Bush opened the prison in 2002 to hold suspect enemy combatants.

 A total of 780 Muslim men and boys have been imprisoned there, but the US has only considered 8% of them Al Qaeda fighters. In fact, most of the detainees had just been in the wrong place at the wrong time and wound up at the prison without charge or trial. What they got instead was a jail cell at a prison infamous for harsh interrogation, torture and hunger strikes. A place that critics say has become a breeding ground for enemies and a place that doesn’t reflect the values of American justice.

Obama had seen some major obstacles, one them was the pentagon. Recent investigation accuses the pentagon of purposefully derailing and delaying that process and keeping the detainees locked up. But the biggest obstacle in Obama’s efforts has been Congress. They have also made it difficult for other countries to accept detainees and they have restricted transfer to the US.
Obama signed a defense bill that limits his ability to transfer detainees to the US. He said he can use executive power to speed up the transfer process of transferring detainees from Guantanamo to US prisons.

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