Protest Against Trump Government Policies

Demonstrator protested Trump’s pick for Attorney General at his Senate Confirmation Hearing. Jeff after his confirmation said thanks to his dear friends, where protesters were shouting against him. Republican Senator Jeff Sessions has been accused of having bigoted views. A protester started shouting against him while he was addressing. She was saying that we have to be in the streets starting January 14th to say no to this Trump fascist regime.
Sessions said, in his statement that he abhors the Klan and what it represents and its hateful ideology. He also said that he deeply know the history of civil rights and their importance in the country and the horrendous impact that relentless and systemic discrimination and the denial of voting rights has had on our African American brothers and sisters. In public opinion he is pretending to be a good but in fact he is and extremist as he always supported racist activities.
On his statement social media says, the nominee for Attorney General had to say in his confirmation hearing that he abhors the Klan which is not normal. Charles Johnson said, Sessions is currently denying he supports every extreme position. He is on record supporting.
Sessions was rejected for a federal judgeship in 1986 amid allegations of racial discrimination. He is also been accused of having sympathies for the KKK. At the ceremony, Senators asked if he would stand up to Trump uphold the law despite his personal views. Dianne Feinstein, the Senator (D) California, said at the ceremony that hate crimes are happening. The department of justice must see it and must investigate it.