Open Door Policy Closed For Migrants

America’s Open Door Policy for Cuban migrants just closed. The American Embassy in Havana, Cuba, says Migrants who are already en route to the US. The sudden change was a big blow. Obama order that, from immediate effect, Cuban nationals who attempt to enter America illegally and do not qualify for humanitarian relief will be subjected to be deported. The 5 decade old police gave Cubans permanent residence in the US regardless of their status. The open door policy had been criticized for encouraging Cubans to make a dangerous voyage to the US. Obama said the remove will add consistency to the US immigration policy. 
Cuban Migrants are much worried about it and have a similar opinion about it. Maylin Gomez – a Cuban Migrant, she says, we asked him please don’t go ahead with it. Help us. Because we can’t go back to our country, because we sold our house, we sold everything and now we are left here. We don’t know what to do. Laura Vianello – Cuban Exile, say about the issue that, it has brought on too many deaths, specially young people in the state of Florida. Novilda Ocampo, a young Cuban Migrant says, Cubans don’t migrate just for fun or for pleasure. Cubans emigrate out of necessity. Cindia Gomes says, no one leave their country of birth for pleasure the lady. We all did it because it was not longer safe due to civil war among other things just like Cubans. 
American people have some other point of view on this. David Cruze says, what's so special about Cuba? It was not fair to give privileges to some and kick the other ones out when everyone have the same reasons to leave their country and look for a better life. People from all the other Latin American countries [maybe undocumented] contribute more than Cubans with free privileges. Kelly Ann says, why they leave everything behind to come to a better future and now they can't? Off course! So does the rest of Latin America; Mexicans, Salvadorians, Hondurans, Guatemalans, Venezuelans and others. Wouldn’t it be nice if all immigrants had an open door policy? Now they know what it's like to no longer have that privilege.
Azmat Husain says, Only Cubans getting very special welcome as soon touch base at US medical, accommodation, pocket money, and job etc. So why not Haitians, Mexicans and people from DR they're human too. Need to be balance. Some Cubans now feel out of options. Cuban emigrates looking for a better future. Over 50,000 Cubans came to US in 2016.

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