Lie must be detect by technology in panama case says arif bhatti

Panama papers case is going on in the supreme court of Pakistan, case hearing continue daily basis, the chief justice of Pakistan Mian Saqib Nisar made a larger bench led by justice Asif Saeed Khosa. There are two parties contesting the panama papars case Pakistan Tehreek e insaaf and Pakistan muslim league (N).
Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf advocate Naeem Bukhari is giving his arguments on daily basis about illegal money of prime minister Nawaz Sharif and his sons Hassan and Hussain Nawaz. So both the parties lawyer giving their arguments before a larger bench of supreme court but the sumpreme court bench is not satisfied both of lawyers, according to a larger bench of supreme court Prime Minister cannot disquallified without evidence. Due to daily hearing of case different arguments and news are being listened on media and newspapers. So daily talk shows are telecast on air on TV channels one of them a talk show the reports hosted by Sami Ahmed, in the talk show the viewers can see in the video that how is telling the real facts and figure about Panama case, guest of talk show were Arif Bhatti and Shakir Dogar. So agenda of the show was who is lier and who has right truth about their arguments. The supreme court of Pakistan has said truth must be unveiled before a Pakistani nation, but court is facing some problems of case because both the lawyer making case complicated.
According to a senior journalist Arif Bhatti a machine of lie must be introduced which can easily detect about lier and truth persons and if a person get illegal money by money laundry he has no invoice of money where he get and where he transfer his black money and if he speak lie on air or in his speak his face automatically converted black and everyone can know about him. Its simple case but prime minister should be speak truth because supreme court has said that prime minister give him full detail how he earn his money.

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