Increase Gas Prices Become Crisis In Mexico

Global population is growing high and world’s natural resources are limited which are now unable to fulfill human needs. Human is struggling to find out new natural resources and increasing production of these resources. Both the factors are leading increase in their prices. This increase in prices is having bad impact on humans because it is directly affecting their purchase power. These natural resources are necessary for human as it is a need of our daily.
Gas prices just went up 20% in parts of Mexico. It hurts; especially public transport is inefficient and crowded. Many commuters depend on private buses. One of these buses is driven by Domingo Cabera. He says about the crisis, now whatever I earn goes into buying gasoline. How much money I give my wife to feed our children? It’s not even half. Its quarter of what I used to give her. It’s a quarter.
The Mexican Government sets the price of gas. This year gas subsidies are being phased out, so prices will keep going up. The higher price of gas has many consequences. It is not just a matter of the gas price going up and me stopping driving a taxi or me not working my bus. It is not just that.
One of the citizens said, the gas and fuel prices are affecting other daily use product prices. The milk is more expensive, the meat is more expensive, a pair of shoes is more expensive. The gas hike ruins us, it ruins the people. Since President Enrique Pena Nieto took office in 2012. The buying power in Mexico has decrease 11%. People are desperate because we don’t even have enough to buy tortillas. This is supposed to be an adjustment but its robbery.