China has changed its one child policy

The lifting of the policy is a good thing as far as human rights go. But I think the government will need to take more action on fixing the environmental and political climate before people will want to have more kids in China. Many parents who can afford it already send their kids out of the one child policy in china is being ended after more than 35 years,all the families can be able to born two children,why china is lifting its one child policy? Because people are becoming aged and workforce is also shrinking so due to imbalance china will face hard time for economy in future therefore one child policy is changing.

what is China going to do with all the young men they have from years before when the people had a second child and it was a girl they did away with them and now all these men need a wife but all they have is boys

Aside from the overpopulation issues, lack of resources and If you can personally afford to raise 2 or 3 or even 5 children, and educate them properly then go ahead. The problem comes from families who cannot even afford to raise one child, let alone 2 or 3. If they want to create a policy it should be based on financial stability, the amount of available resources and ability to care for a child, those should be the factors to determine if a child should be brought into this world, not solely based on the fact of that a family has one already.

Suggesting that anymore humans need to be born is irresponsible. The planet is being destroyed by over population and the stress it puts on the planet from green house gases which people produce through their consumption. China should figure out another way to support their aging population and start by abandoning their ponzu scheme for supporting retirement

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