A new smart spoon invented for disable persons

No one deny about the tremendous inventions in the field of technologies, there are many scientists, engineers and experts are doing working in making new instruments and machines for public, because people can feel comfort and easiness by using new inventions of the world, such techniques are suitable to those people who cannot work physically and disable people, in medical science some scientist invent a smart spoon which provide stability to those people who cannot maintain their control during eating food. In this video viewers can see that how a new smart spoon work and it can be used.It’s a robotic spoon which provides help to those old aged people who cannot stable their hand during taking any food and serve in Parkinson’s disease, so this vibrating robotic spoon control their Hans balance and they can easily eat food by using this spoon, probably a silver metallic spoon is difficult task for lifting to the mouth and it cannot control movement of hands due to using metallic spoon disable and aged people cannot eat calmly and their food is being wasted during eating.
According to a old women who are giving his interview a media channel that it was very difficult for me that when I eat food I dipped her spoon in the bowl but mostly it is wasted before reach to mouth. So when I started this robotic spoon my problem has solved because it understand my hands movements and remain balance.spoon can easily bends and provide helps to people.
Its original price is 195 euro and round about seventy percent people have movements in their hand and feet but they cannot cure by it there are other ways to control their Parkinson’s disease and 10 million people suffer in this disease. So the invention of robotic of spoon is not permanent way of cure disease.

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